beyond that house: compass &

tara sa Baguio! — Compass, a community-supported program for the promotion and appreciation of poetry, partners with Mt Cloud, an independent bookstore in Baguio, on May 19 and 20 2012. A poetry reading with Baguio-based poets will be held at Mt Cloud Bookshop on the evening of May 19, Saturday, followed by a free poetry and publication workshop on Sunday, May 20.

reminders that tell us to carry our own torches: (1) Mt. Cloud Bookshop as an independently-run enterprise that carries titles from local small and indie presses, and which knows to create a community of readers and writers as all self-respecting booksellers must know to do. Feliz and Padma Perez run Mt. Cloud and rock it. (2)  High Chair. (3) philippine poetry outside of that house that’s burning. (4) work that seeks to spread writing and reading around through exchange and dialogue, and not by taking a position of superiority. (5) the Baguio Writers Group and Ubbog: The Young Cordillera Writers — the regions FTW.

Email Mt Cloud at or call +63 (0) 74 424 4437 for more information on the poetry reading and workshops.

read about Mt. Cloud here.
read about Compass over at Mabi’s blog.
this announcement via Mabi’s blog.