“<…> artists are constantly in the position of having to work in order to produce work.”

here’s a project of Donna Miranda, which reminds of how artistic work, cannot always and necessarily be about exhibiting work in galleries and art spaces; which reminds of how the work of the artist, is always work to begin with, is borne of the work outside of it. it is labor, full stop.

read up! hanep ‘to.



you have to register but the process is easy enough. Mark Salvatus is one of the few artists I would do an exhibit note for in a heartbeat, not so much as a matter of friendship, but as a matter of believing in his work, the kind of thinking that goes into it, the kind of artistic vision he constantly has. this exhibit note for his “The Other View” exhibit in late 2011 is an assessment as well of his body of work. you can see my photos of the exhibit here.

sa ikauunlad ng bayan! sining ang kailangan!

VOTE VOTE VOTE!  (more…)

it was literature that taught me about the objectification of women. no, it was philippine literature that taught me about the oppression of the Filipina, the kind that objectifies her, makes her into nothing but image, nothing but stereotype. half-naked if not totally so. skin and leg and boobs and butt. image not voice. body not thought.

and just in case everyone thought this witty and funny, and thought nothing of the layers of this image we’ve used to sell a a government-sponsored international literature festival.

the red light district, is about prostitution, and carries with it the contingent oppressions of woman in this country. (more…)

i have no specific expertise

but i thought it quite timely to re-post this piece on the Manila International Literary Festival (MILF) 2011, while the PILF (yes, they changed Manila to Philippine) 2012 is happening. because i hear they were laughing as they wondered whether i would go this year (no), or if GMA News Online would send me (yes, but i said no).

because you know this year they take from prostitution and objectification of women, to sell Philippine literature. what fun.


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BLTX illustration by Adam David.
