Tag Archives: mixed race

Bid Bad Bayo

Lest Bayo think that a short three-sentence apology from its vice president is enough. Lest Bayo imagines that a flurry of memes is good publicity still.

Lest they are ready to milk the noise that has surrounded this “What’s your mix?” campaign for all its worth and spin it by having these five girls Jasmine, Ana, Nikita, Margo and Kharu talk about how Filipino they are, or how much they love that percentage of them that’s Pinay.

Lest Bayo thinks they don’t need to reassess and cancel this campaign altogether, because maybe it’s that long copy that’s the problem here. Lest they will take their sweet good time pulling those ads, given reports that they are taking all of it down.

The answer is no, Bayo. (more…)