Tag Archives: Thirty Minutes Or Less

Here’s the statement from writers and supporters of literature on the case of Adam David who has been told to take down a website and PDF that critically engages with the book Fast Food Fiction Delivery, published by Anvil and edited by Noelle de Jesus and Mookie Katigbak-Lacuesta.

Here is the site — http://himaamsir.blogspot.com/
And the PDF — http://www.mediafire.com/…/adam_david_-_IWBTSBNQTS_-_single…

Here’s Adam’s explanation of what his project was about — “It’s a collection of 132 stories gathered from a story-generating machine I encoded called thirty minutes or less. It’s a simple randomiser that I fed story fragments to, culled from the flash fiction collection Fast Food Fiction Delivery (edited by Noelle de Jesus and Mookie Katigbak-Lacuesta, Anvil 2015).”

Do add your name to it if you are of the same mind about this.
